Saturday 17 September 2016


We left the hotel at 8:30 and drove 20 minutes to Swazi Candles where we saw candles being made by hand in the traditional way. There was also a craft market set up outside with lots of local products.

Our next stop 2 hours later was at the Swaziland/South Africa border where we had to go through the process of exiting the Kingdom and entering KwaZulu-Natal – another 2 stamps on our passports. We continued for another hour reaching our hotel at Ghost Mountain for lunch. Once there we had lunch before heading out in open jeeps to visit a traditional Zulu Village set high up in the mountains. One of the Zulu families took us for a tour through the family home/set-up.

Following this interesting tour we drove further up the mountain to have drinks and view the sunset while overlooking Lake Jozine. We headed back to the hotel where we freshened up before dinner.

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